Directed by Noah Baumbach and featuring heartbreaking performances from both Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver – whose struggling single father ends up feeling as invisible as his costume when he’s forgotten on Halloween – MARRIAGE STORY (2019) was honored with an AFI AWARD in 2019, recognizing it as one of the year’s most outstanding achievements in the art of the moving image. According to the official AFI AWARDS rationale, “MARRIAGE STORY captures the intimately human journey of a not-so-civil war. Director Noah Baumbach’s blindingly brilliant writing navigates this emotionally complex tale of the heartbreaking power dynamics in marriage. Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver’s raw performances stand toe-to-toe among the year’s best as they share a child and haircuts and a mutual admiration for what is good in each other – before unleashing fury as prizefighters locked in a bruising battle that asks what is love and what is law.”
MARRIAGE STORY (2019) – AFI Movie Club
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