Directed by Shaka King from the heartbreaking true story, JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH (2021) was recognized with a 2020 AFI AWARD, naming it among the most outstanding motion pictures of year. According to the official rationale, “JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH raises a fist for change. Capturing the revolutionary fervor of the 1960s that echoes into our modern moment, Shaka King’s timely tragedy burns with righteous rage and Shakespearean turns on power and betrayal. Towering performances by Daniel Kaluuya as Black Panther Party leader Fred Hampton and LaKeith Stanfield as FBI informant William O’Neal drive the collision of unending horror and the ever too elusive hope that ‘Black people will not be free until we are able to determine our own destiny.'”
Visit the AFI Catalog to learn more about JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH.