NOTORIOUS film still

NOTORIOUS (1946) – AFI Movie Club

Named by the American Film Institute among the art form’s greatest love stories and thrills, and directed by AFI Life Achievement Award honoree Alfred Hitchcock, NOTORIOUS (1946) features iconic performances from Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman – both named by the American Film Institute among the greatest screen legends of all time. Visit the AFI...

SPELLBOUND (1945) – AFI Movie Club

A psychological thriller from “Master of Suspense” – and AFI Life Achievement Award honoree – Alfred Hitchcock, SPELLBOUND (1945) pairs Gregory Peck and Ingrid Berman, both named among cinema’s greatest stars of all time by the American Film Institute. Peck was also the recipient of AFI’s highest honor for a career in film, and served...
CASABLANCA film still of Dooley Wilson

CASABLANCA (1942) – AFI Movie Club

One of the American Film Institute’s most celebrated films, CASABLANCA (1942) first appeared at #2 on the original list of America’s greatest movies, remaining within the top three for the 10th anniversary edition a decade later. It’s also ranked #1 among cinema’s love stories, and was included among the art form’s greatest triumphs and thrills,...
Casablanca Film Still - Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart

CASABLANCA (1942) – AFI Movie Club

One of the American Film Institute’s most celebrated films, CASABLANCA (1942) first appeared at #2 on the original list of America’s greatest movies, remaining within the top three for the 10th anniversary edition a decade later. It’s also ranked #1 among cinema’s love stories and has six quotes named by AFI as the most memorable...
Gaslight Film Still - Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer


From director George Cukor, GASLIGHT (1944) tells the story of a woman whose husband makes her question her sanity in an attempt to steal from her – and the film’s title has since been culturally adopted as a term to describe the malicious act of making someone question their own reality. The film was celebrated...