December 22, 2021
AFI Movie Club Rewind: ELF
This film was originally selected as an AFI Movie Club pick on December 22, 2020. In director Jon Favreau’s heartwarming and hilarious holiday classic, ELF, Will Ferrell stars as Buddy, a misfit raised by Santa’s elves who travels to New York in search of his father (James Caan). AFI Trustee Toby Emmerich served as one of the film’s executive producers. HOW TO WATCH Where to stream ELF ELF -...
December 22, 2020
AFI Movie Club: ELF
In director Jon Favreau’s heartwarming and hilarious holiday classic, ELF, Will Ferrell stars as Buddy, a misfit raised by Santa’s elves who travels to New York in search of his father (James Caan). AFI Trustee Toby Emmerich served as one of the film’s executive producers. Watch cinematographer Greg Gardiner go "Behind the Scene" and talk about filming the holiday classic ELF in this exclusive conversation. MOVIE TRIVIA DID YOU...
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