July 26, 2023
AIR FORCE ONE (1997) – AFI Movie Club
When Air Force One is hijacked by terrorists, the President himself must take matters into his own hands to regain control of the plane and rescue the hostages in AIR FORCE ONE (1997). Director Wolfgang Peterson’s action thriller features a commanding central performance from AFI Life Achievement Award honoree Harrison Ford, as well as supporting...

May 9, 2023
Directed by Elia Kazan and based on Laura Z. Hobson’s bestselling novel, GENTLEMAN’S AGREEMENT (1947) is an award-winning film that stars American Film Institute Founding Chair and AFI Life Achievement Award honoree Gregory Peck as a journalist who decides to pose as Jewish in order to experience anti-Semitism firsthand and understand the plight of those who are religiously persecuted. Visit the...

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