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Dynamite, Gangs, Marshals, Gambling, Bicycles, Union Pacific Railroad, Prostitution, Outlaws, Horses, Ships
Cast: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross [ More ]
Director: George Roy Hill
Writer: William Goldman
Producer: John Foreman
Cinematographer: Conrad Hall
Editors: John C. Howard, Richard C. Meyer
Production Designers: Jack Martin Smith, Philip Jefferies
Production Company: Campanile Productions, Inc.
Announcing BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID, Robert Osborne explains that Paul Newman was a much bigger star at the time than Robert Redford, but this film catapulted the relatively unknown Redford into celebrity. Originally planning to feature Steve McQueen alongside Newman, director George Roy Hill defied studio advice and gave Redford a shot. Hill later directed Redford and Newman in THE STING…