Background: As one part of the American Film Institute’s (“AFI”) efforts to maintain a safe environment for our Fellows, employees, guests, and visitors (collectively, “Community Members”), and subject to applicable orders and/or guidance, effective October 1, 2020, AFI will be screening those entering the AFI campus or any off-site location where AFI-approved film production or other activity is being conducted (each, a “Site”) by periodically testing for the SARS-COV-2 virus and/or screening for symptoms of COVID-19.
Testing: The American Film Institute has hired Malibu Medical Group to provide SARS‐CoV‐2 testing to Community Members on a regular basis. The test you will receive is designed to detect if you have SARS-CoV-2, also known as the “coronavirus.” SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes the disease known as COVID-19. The results of this test will not tell you if you have had the virus in the past or if you have immunity to contracting the virus in the future. The test only tests for the presence of the virus in your specimen at the time of the test. Your specimen will be collected through a process that involves swabbing the inside of your cheek.
Screening: Upon a Community Member’s arrival at the Site, a properly trained, third-party medical professional will check each Community Member’s temperature using a sanitized, contactless thermometer and ask a short series of questions to determine whether the Community Member is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. In accordance with CDC guidance, Community Members whose body temperature indicates a fever (100.4 °F or greater) or any Community Member experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will be discretely informed that they will not be permitted to enter the Site. Community Members who are denied entry to a Site will be contacted separately by AFI’s COVID Compliance Officer to discuss when they will be permitted to return to AFI.
Privacy: Positive SARS-CoV-2 test results will be shared between Malibu Medical Group and AFI. These positive results may also be shared with certain federal, state, and/or local government agencies as required by law. Positive test results, body temperatures, and COVID-19 symptom information obtained is used only to screen for potential COVID-19 infections for the health and safety of Community Members, and not for any other purpose. Records relating to positive test results and symptom screenings will be maintained in separate, confidential medical files and will reflect only (1) the Community Member’s individual ID number, (2) any positive test results, and (3) whether the Community Member was admitted or denied access to the Site.
Revocation: You have the right to revoke this consent at any time by delivering a written revocation to Roschoune Franklin, AFI Chief Resource Officer, at [email protected].