Directed by AFI Alum Darren Aronofsky (AFI Class of 1992) and starring Natalie Portman, BLACK SWAN (2010) was shot with a serene and surreal beauty by fellow alum Matthew Libatique (AFI Class of 1992). Suffused with psychological and bodily horror as it delves into what an artist is willing to endure for their craft, the film was recognized in the year of its release with an AFI AWARD, naming it among the most outstanding achievements of the year. According to the official rationale, “BLACK SWAN leaps and soars in a haunting dance as timeless as Tchaikovsky. Director Darren Aronofsky’s fever-dream blurs the fine line that separates high art from high insanity, and his prima ballerina Natalie Portman captures the beauty and the pain of a dancer’s commitment in a transformative performance. Lifted to even greater heights by virtuoso visuals from cinematographer Matthew Libatique, BLACK SWAN embodies both a spellbinding portrait of an artist striving for perfection and a horror film about the monster in the mirror.”
Visit the AFI Catalog to learn more about BLACK SWAN.